
The Church of Scotland Guild, with around 35,000 members, is one of Scotland's largest voluntary organisations. Although women make up the bulk of the membership, increasingly, men are becoming members throughout the country

The current constitution of the national Guild was adopted in 1997, after a major review of the present organisation's predecessor, the Woman's Guild. In 2003, the Guild reviewed its constitution to ensure more inclusive language was used and to take account of the need for flexibility in local groups.

The Guild is about invitation, encouragement, commitment, and fellowship which leads to providing opportunities for continuing growth in Christian faith through worship, prayer and action.

Worship is an essential ingredient in all meetings and activities. Prayer underpins everything - and is a means of involving those members who cannot be active in other ways.

Action means living out the faith through project work, exploration of the discussion topics and local involvement of groups and individual members in various aspects of Christian service.

Women and men of all walks of life meet together under the Guild's common aim:

"The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action."

The aim has been underlined in the motto which is taken from Acts 27, verse 23: "Whose we are and Whom we serve.

Our Guild, in Greyfriars, meets once a fortnight from September to April, on a Wednesday evening. The Guild Convenor, Marlene Waugh and members are always please to welcome new members to our Guild, or people who would like to come along for one or two meetings if the topic interests them. Contact us for more information.